Monday, August 07, 2006

Maldives Aid Opens Desalinisation Plant in Haa Alif, Filladhoo

Maldives Aid Desalinisation Plant Opens in Haa Alif, Filladhoo: "Maldives Aid Desalinisation Plant Opens in Haa Alif, Filladhoo
By Minivan News
August 4, 2006

For the small fishing community of Haa Alif, Filladhoo, like many of its neighbouring islands, the tsunami left in its wake a trail of destruction.

But in Filladhoo, the tidal wave not only destroyed people’s homes and boats; it also robbed the island of one of its most precious resources: water.

However, on Friday - for the first time since December 26, 2004 - islanders awoke to a plentiful supply of safe, clean drinking water thanks to a new desalinization plant, donated by the UK-based charity Maldives Aid.

During a ceremony on Thursday, Maldives Aid coordinator Mariyam Seena formally donated the plant to the people of Fillandhoo.

In a moving speech, Atoll Chief Mohamed Rasheed said: “Maldives Aid should be considered close friends who are eager to help people in need. And we all should maintain a close friendship with them.”

After the speech, Adam Mohamed from the Island Committee switched on the desalinisation plant on behalf of the community. Shortly after, people raced to the fresh water taps to drink the water and many commented on its fine taste.

According to Minivan Radio editor Fathimath Shaheeda, who traveled to Fillandhoo to witness the ceremony: “The opening was very emotional because after a long time the people finally have access to fresh water.”

Maldives Aid said it took “months of fundraising and hard work with the island community of Filladhoo and Static, the company providing the desalinisation plant, to give the people their long awaited fresh water.”

But Seena said in the end, the project was worth all the hard work: “It went really well. The plant house area is nicely done with trees planted around the boundary and white sand. Over 200 people showed up to the opening ceremony and the atmosphere was great. People were really touched.”"
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