Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Angsana Resort and Spa - Maldives

Angsana Resort and Spa - Maldives

As ever with any spa resort spa prefaced by the word Angsana, the touchy-feely part of this operation is exceptional. The Thai masseuse thankfully speaks little English thus sparing us the tedium of faux knowledge. You know the drill - “this oil contains notes of fresh frangipani with citrus undertones to awaken your senses” spoken in the sort of hushed tones reserved for sanctified grounds. Nevertheless aromatherapy is used extensively and skilfully at Angsana, just without the unnecessary commentary.
The woman in reception will just ask you to name your pleasure and the practitioner only wants to know if you’d like that massage hard, medium or soft. Hard means hard too as I found out but it was a full 10 minutes later before I could gather enough air in my squeezed lungs to squeak “Maybe medium or even soft now.”
(read entire review)


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