Thursday, October 05, 2006

Disappointment in paradise

I just come across this interesting letter written from the outsider’s point of view.

An Outsider’s View

Dear people of the Maldives,

My name is Jonas. I am a German citizen and have been a guest in your country for the last three weeks. I came following the invitation of a friend, who is a human rights activist here.

In the past few days I have spent time talking to all kinds of people about the current political situation as well as their perception of the way human rights are treated in this country. These conversations have opened my eyes and helped draw a picture of the Maldives that heavily diverges from the holiday paradise that travel catalogues in Europe promise.

Last night I again followed an invitation. I joined the MDP commemoration at the artificial beach and watched the theatre performance that was devoted to the incidents three years ago. I must confess I did not understand a single word of what has been said there. But listening to the voice of Evan Naseem’s brother and mother, and later on watching the play, deeply moved me.

(read entire letter)

P.S. Download Free Video Documentary
About Maldives


Blogger Unknown said...

Maldives such a fascinating beach holiday destination and sparkling city that will amaze you and transform your dream holiday ideas forever.This is the 1st step for your Maldives Holidays. With over 100 Maldives resorts suited for perfect Maldives Vacations for any holidays.

9:04 PM  
Anonymous Maldives Islands said...

Maldives have now changed for better and we hope that there won't be another incident similar to Evan Naseem's

4:41 PM  

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